public class DateTimeFormatter extends Object
This class is the main API for printing and parsing used by most applications. Instances of this class are created via one of three factory classes:
- formats by pattern and styleISODateTimeFormat
- ISO8601 formatsDateTimeFormatterBuilder
- complex formats created via method calls
An instance of this class holds a reference internally to one printer and
one parser. It is possible that one of these may be null, in which case the
formatter cannot print/parse. This can be checked via the isPrinter()
and isParser()
The underlying printer/parser can be altered to behave exactly as required by using one of the decorator modifiers:
- returns a new formatter that uses the specified localewithZone(DateTimeZone)
- returns a new formatter that uses the specified time zonewithChronology(Chronology)
- returns a new formatter that uses the specified chronologywithOffsetParsed()
- returns a new formatter that returns the parsed time zone offsetwithPivotYear(int)
- returns a new formatter with the specified pivot yearwithDefaultYear(int)
- returns a new formatter with the specified default year
The main methods of the class are the printXxx
methods. These are used as follows:
// print using the defaults (default locale, chronology/zone of the datetime) String dateStr = formatter.print(dt); // print using the French locale String dateStr = formatter.withLocale(Locale.FRENCH).print(dt); // print using the UTC zone String dateStr = formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).print(dt); // parse using the Paris zone DateTime date = formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Paris")).parseDateTime(str);
Parsing builds up the resultant instant by 'setting' the value of each parsed field from largest to smallest onto an initial instant, typically 1970-01-01T00:00Z. This design means that day-of-month is set before day-of-week. As such, if both the day-of-month and day-of-week are parsed, and the day-of-week is incorrect, then the day-of-week overrides the day-of-month. This has a side effect if the input is not consistent.
Constructor and Description |
DateTimeFormatter(DateTimePrinter printer,
DateTimeParser parser)
Creates a new formatter, however you will normally use the factory
or the builder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Chronology |
Use the method with the correct spelling
Chronology |
Gets the chronology to use as an override.
int |
Gets the default year for parsing months and days.
Locale |
Gets the locale that will be used for printing and parsing.
DateTimeParser |
Gets the internal parser object that performs the real parsing work.
Integer |
Gets the pivot year to use as an override.
DateTimePrinter |
Gets the internal printer object that performs the real printing work.
DateTimeZone |
Gets the zone to use as an override.
boolean |
Checks whether the offset from the string is used as the zone of
the parsed datetime.
boolean |
Is this formatter capable of parsing.
boolean |
Is this formatter capable of printing.
DateTime |
parseDateTime(String text)
Parses a date-time from the given text, returning a new DateTime.
int |
parseInto(ReadWritableInstant instant,
String text,
int position)
Parses a datetime from the given text, at the given position, saving the
result into the fields of the given ReadWritableInstant.
LocalDate |
parseLocalDate(String text)
Parses only the local date from the given text, returning a new LocalDate.
LocalDateTime |
parseLocalDateTime(String text)
Parses only the local date-time from the given text, returning a new LocalDateTime.
LocalTime |
parseLocalTime(String text)
Parses only the local time from the given text, returning a new LocalTime.
long |
parseMillis(String text)
Parses a datetime from the given text, returning the number of
milliseconds since the epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
MutableDateTime |
parseMutableDateTime(String text)
Parses a date-time from the given text, returning a new MutableDateTime.
String |
print(long instant)
Prints a millisecond instant to a String.
String |
print(ReadableInstant instant)
Prints a ReadableInstant to a String.
String |
print(ReadablePartial partial)
Prints a ReadablePartial to a new String.
void |
printTo(Appendable appendable,
long instant)
Prints an instant from milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,
using ISO chronology in the default DateTimeZone.
void |
printTo(Appendable appendable,
ReadableInstant instant)
Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
void |
printTo(Appendable appendable,
ReadablePartial partial)
Prints a ReadablePartial.
void |
printTo(StringBuffer buf,
long instant)
Prints an instant from milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,
using ISO chronology in the default DateTimeZone.
void |
printTo(StringBuffer buf,
ReadableInstant instant)
Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
void |
printTo(StringBuffer buf,
ReadablePartial partial)
Prints a ReadablePartial.
void |
printTo(StringBuilder buf,
long instant)
Prints an instant from milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,
using ISO chronology in the default DateTimeZone.
void |
printTo(StringBuilder buf,
ReadableInstant instant)
Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
void |
printTo(StringBuilder buf,
ReadablePartial partial)
Prints a ReadablePartial.
void |
printTo(Writer out,
long instant)
Prints an instant from milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,
using ISO chronology in the default DateTimeZone.
void |
printTo(Writer out,
ReadableInstant instant)
Prints a ReadableInstant, using the chronology supplied by the instant.
void |
printTo(Writer out,
ReadablePartial partial)
Prints a ReadablePartial.
DateTimeFormatter |
withChronology(Chronology chrono)
Returns a new formatter that will use the specified chronology in
preference to that of the printed object, or ISO on a parse.
DateTimeFormatter |
withDefaultYear(int defaultYear)
Returns a new formatter that will use the specified default year.
DateTimeFormatter |
withLocale(Locale locale)
Returns a new formatter with a different locale that will be used
for printing and parsing.
DateTimeFormatter |
Returns a new formatter that will create a datetime with a time zone
equal to that of the offset of the parsed string.
DateTimeFormatter |
withPivotYear(int pivotYear)
Returns a new formatter that will use the specified pivot year for two
digit year parsing in preference to that stored in the parser.
DateTimeFormatter |
withPivotYear(Integer pivotYear)
Returns a new formatter that will use the specified pivot year for two
digit year parsing in preference to that stored in the parser.
DateTimeFormatter |
withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
Returns a new formatter that will use the specified zone in preference
to the zone of the printed object, or default zone on a parse.
DateTimeFormatter |
Returns a new formatter that will use the UTC zone in preference
to the zone of the printed object, or default zone on a parse.
public DateTimeFormatter(DateTimePrinter printer, DateTimeParser parser)
- the internal printer, null if cannot printparser
- the internal parser, null if cannot parsepublic boolean isPrinter()
public DateTimePrinter getPrinter()
public boolean isParser()
public DateTimeParser getParser()
public DateTimeFormatter withLocale(Locale locale)
A DateTimeFormatter is immutable, so a new instance is returned, and the original is unaltered and still usable.
- the locale to use; if null, formatter uses default locale
at invocation timepublic Locale getLocale()
public DateTimeFormatter withOffsetParsed()
After calling this method, a string '2004-06-09T10:20:30-08:00' will create a datetime with a zone of -08:00 (a fixed zone, with no daylight savings rules). If the parsed string represents a local time (no zone offset) the parsed datetime will be in the default zone.
Calling this method sets the override zone to null. Calling the override zone method sets this flag off.
public boolean isOffsetParsed()
public DateTimeFormatter withChronology(Chronology chrono)
When printing, this chronology will be used in preference to the chronology from the datetime that would otherwise be used.
When parsing, this chronology will be set on the parsed datetime.
A null chronology means no-override. If both an override chronology and an override zone are set, the override zone will take precedence over the zone in the chronology.
- the chronology to use as an overridepublic Chronology getChronology()
@Deprecated public Chronology getChronolgy()
public DateTimeFormatter withZoneUTC()
When printing, UTC will be used in preference to the zone from the datetime that would otherwise be used.
When parsing, UTC will be set on the parsed datetime.
If both an override chronology and an override zone are set, the override zone will take precedence over the zone in the chronology.
public DateTimeFormatter withZone(DateTimeZone zone)
When printing, this zone will be used in preference to the zone from the datetime that would otherwise be used.
When parsing, this zone will be set on the parsed datetime.
A null zone means of no-override. If both an override chronology and an override zone are set, the override zone will take precedence over the zone in the chronology.
- the zone to use as an overridepublic DateTimeZone getZone()
public DateTimeFormatter withPivotYear(Integer pivotYear)
This setting is useful for changing the pivot year of formats built
using a pattern - DateTimeFormat.forPattern(String)
When parsing, this pivot year is used. Null means no-override. There is no effect when printing.
The pivot year enables a two digit year to be converted to a four
digit year. The pivot represents the year in the middle of the
supported range of years. Thus the full range of years that will
be built is (pivot - 50) .. (pivot + 49)
pivot supported range 00 is 20 is 40 is 60 is 80 is --------------------------------------------------------------- 1950 1900..1999 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 1975 1925..2024 2000 2020 1940 1960 1980 2000 1950..2049 2000 2020 2040 1960 1980 2025 1975..2074 2000 2020 2040 2060 1980 2050 2000..2099 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080
- the pivot year to use as an override when parsingpublic DateTimeFormatter withPivotYear(int pivotYear)
This setting is useful for changing the pivot year of formats built
using a pattern - DateTimeFormat.forPattern(String)
When parsing, this pivot year is used. There is no effect when printing.
The pivot year enables a two digit year to be converted to a four
digit year. The pivot represents the year in the middle of the
supported range of years. Thus the full range of years that will
be built is (pivot - 50) .. (pivot + 49)
pivot supported range 00 is 20 is 40 is 60 is 80 is --------------------------------------------------------------- 1950 1900..1999 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 1975 1925..2024 2000 2020 1940 1960 1980 2000 1950..2049 2000 2020 2040 1960 1980 2025 1975..2074 2000 2020 2040 2060 1980 2050 2000..2099 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080
- the pivot year to use as an override when parsingpublic Integer getPivotYear()
public DateTimeFormatter withDefaultYear(int defaultYear)
The default year is used when parsing in the case where there is a month or a day but not a year. Specifically, it is used if there is a field parsed with a duration between the length of a month and the length of a day inclusive.
This value is typically used to move the year from 1970 to a leap year to enable February 29th to be parsed. Unless customised, the year 2000 is used.
This setting has no effect when printing.
- the default year to usepublic int getDefaultYear()
public void printTo(StringBuffer buf, ReadableInstant instant)
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- instant to format, null means nowpublic void printTo(StringBuilder buf, ReadableInstant instant)
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- instant to format, null means nowpublic void printTo(Writer out, ReadableInstant instant) throws IOException
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- instant to format, null means nowIOException
- if an IO error occurspublic void printTo(Appendable appendable, ReadableInstant instant) throws IOException
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- instant to format, null means nowIOException
- if an IO error occurspublic void printTo(StringBuffer buf, long instant)
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- millis since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Zpublic void printTo(StringBuilder buf, long instant)
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- millis since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Zpublic void printTo(Writer out, long instant) throws IOException
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- millis since 1970-01-01T00:00:00ZIOException
- if an IO error occurspublic void printTo(Appendable appendable, long instant) throws IOException
- the destination to format to, not nullinstant
- millis since 1970-01-01T00:00:00ZIOException
- if an IO error occurspublic void printTo(StringBuffer buf, ReadablePartial partial)
Neither the override chronology nor the override zone are used by this method.
- the destination to format to, not nullpartial
- partial to formatpublic void printTo(StringBuilder buf, ReadablePartial partial)
Neither the override chronology nor the override zone are used by this method.
- the destination to format to, not nullpartial
- partial to formatpublic void printTo(Writer out, ReadablePartial partial) throws IOException
Neither the override chronology nor the override zone are used by this method.
- the destination to format to, not nullpartial
- partial to formatIOException
- if an IO error occurspublic void printTo(Appendable appendable, ReadablePartial partial) throws IOException
Neither the override chronology nor the override zone are used by this method.
- the destination to format to, not nullpartial
- partial to formatIOException
- if an IO error occurspublic String print(ReadableInstant instant)
This method will use the override zone and the override chronology if they are set. Otherwise it will use the chronology and zone of the instant.
- instant to format, null means nowpublic String print(long instant)
This method will use the override zone and the override chronology if they are set. Otherwise it will use the ISO chronology and default zone.
- millis since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Zpublic String print(ReadablePartial partial)
Neither the override chronology nor the override zone are used by this method.
- partial to formatpublic int parseInto(ReadWritableInstant instant, String text, int position)
Only those fields present in the string will be changed in the specified
instant. All other fields will remain unaltered. Thus if the string only
contains a year and a month, then the day and time will be retained from
the input instant. If this is not the behaviour you want, then reset the
fields before calling this method, or use parseDateTime(String)
or parseMutableDateTime(String)
If it fails, the return value is negative, but the instant may still be modified. To determine the position where the parse failed, apply the one's complement operator (~) on the return value.
This parse method ignores the default year
parses using the year from the supplied instant based on the chronology
and time-zone of the supplied instant.
The parse will use the chronology of the instant.
- an instant that will be modified, not nulltext
- the text to parseposition
- position to start parsing fromUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the instant is nullIllegalArgumentException
- if any field is out of rangepublic long parseMillis(String text)
The parse will use the ISO chronology, and the default time zone. If the text contains a time zone string then that will be taken into account.
- the text to parse, not nullUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the text to parse is invalidpublic LocalDate parseLocalDate(String text)
This will parse the text fully according to the formatter, using the UTC zone. Once parsed, only the local date will be used. This means that any parsed time, time-zone or offset field is completely ignored. It also means that the zone and offset-parsed settings are ignored.
- the text to parse, not nullUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the text to parse is invalidpublic LocalTime parseLocalTime(String text)
This will parse the text fully according to the formatter, using the UTC zone. Once parsed, only the local time will be used. This means that any parsed date, time-zone or offset field is completely ignored. It also means that the zone and offset-parsed settings are ignored.
- the text to parse, not nullUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the text to parse is invalidpublic LocalDateTime parseLocalDateTime(String text)
This will parse the text fully according to the formatter, using the UTC zone. Once parsed, only the local date-time will be used. This means that any parsed time-zone or offset field is completely ignored. It also means that the zone and offset-parsed settings are ignored.
- the text to parse, not nullUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the text to parse is invalidpublic DateTime parseDateTime(String text)
The parse will use the zone and chronology specified on this formatter.
If the text contains a time zone string then that will be taken into
account in adjusting the time of day as follows.
If the withOffsetParsed()
has been called, then the resulting
DateTime will have a fixed offset based on the parsed time zone.
Otherwise the resulting DateTime will have the zone of this formatter,
but the parsed zone may have caused the time to be adjusted.
- the text to parse, not nullUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the text to parse is invalidpublic MutableDateTime parseMutableDateTime(String text)
The parse will use the zone and chronology specified on this formatter.
If the text contains a time zone string then that will be taken into
account in adjusting the time of day as follows.
If the withOffsetParsed()
has been called, then the resulting
DateTime will have a fixed offset based on the parsed time zone.
Otherwise the resulting DateTime will have the zone of this formatter,
but the parsed zone may have caused the time to be adjusted.
- the text to parse, not nullUnsupportedOperationException
- if parsing is not supportedIllegalArgumentException
- if the text to parse is invalidCopyright © 2002–2025 All rights reserved.